Sunday, November 30, 2008

Off camera flash

Home made setup for using wired off camera flash ( Non TTL)

When I got my new camera Canon Rebel Xsi and experimenting with it I was trying to find out a solution to use my Vivitar 285Hv manual flash (Non TTL) off camera.
I found information about few wireless triggers like Cactus wireless Flash trigger V2
and some other cheap ebay stuffs which werent available in Indian market(Hot shoe flash triggers) whereas a lot of triggers were available for strobe light.
Tat's when I decided to find out a way to come out with a cheap solution for using Hot shoe flash off camera. I found this Hot Shoe to PC Sync Adapter for External Strobes which willl let me to mount this on hot shoe of my camera
and enables me to use a PC sync cord to connect it with a flash.

and using Hot Shoe Slave Flash Trigger would trigger my secondary /fill flashes
Making of Inexpensive Wired off Camera Flash Trigger
I searched few shops in Hyderabad,India and got a
Flash Hot shoe with pc out

for 100Rs ie approx $2
and a small pc sync cord for 20Rs approx $ 0.5 and few metres of wire from electrical shop and an insulation tap for 25rs approx $0.5. I cut the Pc sync cable in to two pieces i was able to extend it and insulated and now its ready to use.
Total expense : 150Rs ie $3


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